Thursday, January 27, 2011

Home Repairs

This week the painters are at the house painting ceilings, refinishing cabinets and doors.  It is stressing me out.  My house is usually my sanctuary, but this week it is just a mess.  I have had to sleep in another room one night, wash  my  hair in the kitchen sink, apply new makeup in the Walmart parking lot where I had just bought the makeup because I couldn't get to the bathroom where my makeup is located.

The painters are very nice people, they are doing what we hired them to do -- but I will be so glad when they are done!

I'm nervous about living in a smaller house but I will be glad to have it all on one floor.  I loved having two stories for a long time, but now, I'm ready for a one story house.  We will see if the architect can make the third bedroom/office a little more livable.


I became a madre 24 years ago today!  It's been the best job I have ever had.  It's also been the most challenging and rewarding job I have ever had! (mostly rewarding)

Happy Birthday Kevin!