Friday, January 25, 2008

Prom Dress

How can a $155 prom dress cost a little more than double that amount?

Add a special bra, petticoat, alterations, purse, earrings, necklace, bracelet, and shoes!

She does love it and says she will pay half of it!

The dress - $155
Everything else - alot!
The joys of shopping with my teenager (we really had fun) -- priceless!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Knee Socks

Where have all the knee socks gone?

The evil sock makers decided that they could make more money by switching to "trouser" socks. I hate trouser socks and I want my knee socks back!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Black Cat

I was sitting in my chair in the living room working on my NYT crossword -- when quietly down the hall walks a black cat (probably from my bedroom)! We own a white cat which lives upstairs and we own a gray cat. We do not own a black cat. I called dd and she put the gray cat in her bedroom, white cat is already in ds's bedroom and dd comes to help.

We open the door and black cat runs away.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Being Alive

It is 2008 and this is my first blog of the new year. Hopefully, I'll remember to add more this year (thanks Kat for the reminder)

I check blogs too. One of my favorite blogs is about a guy who graduated from Texas Tech a couple years ago and is now a banker in Dallas. I found his blog in a rather weird way and I started reading it when he was still in graduate school. I had googled Texas Tech and Lubbock and found another blog and this guy was on her friend's list.

I knew my son had a blog, but I didn't really read it very often -- actually very seldom -- because I don't always want to know everything that is going on in his life -- Ignorance is bliss. However, last month in an unusual conversation with his ex's parents, I was forced to read something on his blog and ask him about it. I also had to ask him to remove something that I had said -- so the secret was out -- His mother knew of his blog and his ex was still reading it and so were her parents!

So my very smart son has moved his blog to livejournal and has private posts (which I can't access) as well as public posts which I am allowed to read. Son, please put those esoteric thoughts like "the tyranny of the commonplace" on a public post occasionally. I Ike to think that the money going toward your degree is causing you to think like a scholar (which it is).

My daughter finished her semester at TCC with A's -- Yea! She now has 10 hours of college credit (she already had 3 from SMU summer program). She begins Spanish 2 and History on Monday. I sometimes forget how very smart she really is. She didn't score high enough on the PSAT to be a merit scholar but she doesn't have an asterisk so she is in the running. (I checked online what it really takes, and she wasn't there -- but she was a few points higher than her brother when he took it at the same age). She also made a perfect score on the reading section of the ACT. -- enough bragging.

I am back at work at Knowledgepoints and I am constantly amazed at parents who can't do homework with their kids. They end up fighting instead -- that just didn't happen here. I understand it does happen, and God Bless them, it gives me a job to go to! So I spend my evenings doing math mostly with middle school or high school kids. Sometimes I even get to tutor reading to younger ones -- but I definitely do more math than reading. One kid comes 9 hours a week! We (and I mean I) do all of his homework with him!!!!

That's it for today! Hopefully it won't be months again before I post.