Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Son - the College Years

I am so proud of my son. Yesterday, Kat and I traveled to Lubbock to attend his induction into Phi Beta Kappa. PBK is the oldest honor society in America. He and 86 other young people were found to be worthy of membership to the Texas Tech chapter.

However, I am not just proud of him for being smart and accomplishing major academic success in the last 4 years. I am also proud of him for using these last 4 years to figure out who he is and who he wants to be. We drove by his Freshman dorm where we dropped him off almost 4 years ago and left him with his 12-pack of Dr. Pepper. These 4 years have had their ups and downs but I know the Ups outweigh the Downs. He figured out that Engineering wasn't for him in the first year and in this last semester, he figured out that high school teaching wasn't for him. (Actually I think that he always knew that but he needed a minor). Texas Tech will hold many great memories for him.

He has a great group of Christian friends and I know that has enriched his life. In a few weeks, he will graduate, but he is not done with college -- he has at least one more and maybe two more degrees to get.

Kevin, you've done good!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Angel was all about Love!

We adopted my golden retriever, Angel, about three years ago at the age of 8. She gave all the love she could and then her heart gave out. She went to the Rainbow Bridge on Monday. I miss her. I refer to her as "my" golden retriever because she picked me. She loved me unconditionally, she whined when I left the house, she waited for me to come home. She liked everyone and wanted everyone to like her, but she especially loved me.

She was fine on Sunday, but not on Monday. We knew something was wrong when we found her curled up outside instead of inside for breakfast. We rushed her to the emergency vet -- but her heart was definitely going. I kissed her good-bye and told her to look for Lady when she got to the bridge. She never knew Lady -- but I think they are romping together now and sharing stories of the love they received at our home. They gave us love too. Moses misses her too.

I'm sure in a few months, we will adopt another Golden to love, but right now, I'm just missing Angel.