Saturday, February 17, 2007

Opening Night from the Producers

So I haven’t posted for a while. To catch up, Kathryn and I thoroughly enjoyed our cruise. On the way back, she started getting a sore throat and proceeded to be sick for a couple weeks. Then I got it and I got it worse! I was so tired! But I feel that I am now on the road to recovery.

The night we got back from the cruise I found out that my son was no longer part of a couple. I would write more about it, but as it is more about him than it is about me; I don’t want to betray any confidences about it. Suffice it to say though that a mother’s heart does hurt when a child is hurting, regardless that the child is a 20 year old man!

Kevin came home last weekend and we went to see Assassins in Coppell and he and his dad saw Picasso at the Lapin Agile (at the Runway theatre). I had seen Picasso the week before. Kevin is in the right major of Theatre Arts. He had such a reaction to Assassins and could relate details afterward that I had already forgotten. I didn’t get to talk to him much about Picasso because I was pretty sick by then. I am so proud of him for figuring that out and deciding to get a teaching certificate so he can make a living doing what he loves.

I did venture to the Runway Theatre on Valentine’s Day for their Valentine’s Vignettes. This was difficult for me because I wasn’t feeling very good but I wanted to see Kevin’s play produced. It was to be the second vignette of the second act. I originally planned on only going to the second act but decided that since I had paid full price I would go to all of it. His was definitely the best – had more depth and feeling than any of the others. I know I am prejudiced but he really is a good writer. I left after his and skipped out on the last one because I just didn’t feel like talking to anyone afterward. Mark was in the last one and told me that it didn’t compare to Kevin’s anyway.

Last night Kathryn had 4 girls over for a sleepover for her 16th birthday which is coming up. She realized last year that it is much easier to have her party before Lent begins as some give up chocolate, some give up sweets, etc etc. So she won’t be 16 for another few days, but she got to party in style!