Friday, May 29, 2009

More Friday morning ramblings

1. I hope my son decides soon where he will be attending graduate school.

2. I hope my cold sore which I'm sure was caused by stress goes away soon.

3. It was nice not to get up too early this morning.

4. A couple months ago, I bought a book about walking -- with faith -- includes DVD for walk routines. I haven't started it yet -- but I am going to start it one of these days.

5. I can't seem to keep my kitchen neat!

6. I need some more comfortable shoes to wear to TCC and Kat needs some for college -- perhaps shoe shopping is in our near future.

7. I finally called the doctor about getting an appt for 6 month mammogram -- haven't heard back yet.

8. Will be heading back to weight watchers tomorrow -- it will not be good news.

9. Kat found a purple and black comforter!!! She may still look for others in case she finds a better one.

10. I alternate between feeling like crying and being happy -- hormonal? almost empty nester? who knows!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Month of May

Well the month that I was looking forward to, yet almost dreading has come and almost gone. We had three big events to celebrate which could cause me some stress.

First (although not one of the three big events), my son was a backup signer on a youtube video called "First of May". I spelled signer correctly -- it was in Sign Language to a song. It was very humorous although definitely rated R. The person who sings the song, Jonathon Coulton was coming into town also in May and Kevin, his friend Stephen, and Kathryn were going to the concert -- and they got to perform their sign language version to the song. So I can proudly say that my kids have performed at the Granada in Dallas (although I always have to warn people that it was rated R in case they look for it on youtube).

First of my big three events -- May 9 Kevin graduated from Texas Tech in Lubbock. He graduated Magna Cum Laude in Honors Studies. My parents came in from Tulsa and we had a good visit. Then we moved Kevin and all his belongings back home until he moves to graduate school.

Second big event -- Kathryn graduated from Peace Academy Homeschool (and therefore Peace Academy went out of business). My smart and good friend, Karen, planned this wonderful graduation for her son and my daughter. They met at the end of second grade when Karen and I both entered the wonderful world of homeschooling. I truly don't think Karen or I have changed at all, but apparently our kids are now 10 years older. It was held at our church and we had a blast.She didn't want the cap and gown thing...she had a dress and tiara that she liked much better!

Third and final big event was to travel to Stillwater to attend OSU orientation and for Kathryn to enroll for the fall. It was stressful. Different departments just kept talking to us and I'm just not used to listening for hours on end. However, lots of good information was given out, and hopefully I took good enough notes to look back on when necessary. The first day was OSU people talking to parents and students both together and apart. At the end of the day, we were to have dinner together and then Kat was to go to a dorm and play games. She was exhausted since we had gotten up at 5:00 to leave Tulsa at 6:00 in order to be in Stillwater early enough to attend the Honors College talk before the regular orientation started. She stayed with me in the hotel -- didn't play games. She can play games with others later! The next day she enrolled in 14 hours. It took her two advisors and a trip to get an add card and a trip to the registrar's office to get into the last class. She is in though and starts soon.Now for a somewhat relaxing summer.