Tuesday, March 5, 2019

They called her!

Kat preached at Good Shepherd on Sunday morning and they voted to call her. She and Silas are going to Mexico City for a quick get away on the 14th for a few days. They move to Irving on the 22nd and Silas starts his job on the 25th. Kat starts hers on April 1. Whew.

Mark went on the Walk to Emmaus this past weekend. I wasn't sure if he would really like it, but he did. He does have a question about prevenient grace and has asked Nick, but Nick told him that it was a Methodist thing. I texted Kathryn and told her that her dad may be asking her about it. Her response was "I don't know much about it...it's a Methodist thing."  HAHA.

I talked to Kevin a little bit and things are fine in Austin. I wish Amy felt better.  I'm looking forward to spending a week at the beach with them in May.

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