Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Turning 58 and missing Elliott

I turned 58 a couple days ago!  The day itself had its ups and downs.

To start the day, I got up to check on Elliott and go to the bathroom.  On the way back to bed, I stepped in kitty poop because Deja chose to poop next to her box.  I think she was mad at me about something.

I came to work and that went well.

In the afternoon, Mark and Kathryn took Elliott to the vet because he hasn't been doing very well -- he lost 15 lbs in the last three months.  He was weak, had no muscle, and didn't have much quality of life.  They decided to release him to the Rainbow Bridge.  I hope he is running with Angel now. I always thought that he must be related to Angel because he reminded me so  much of her.

After we took time to cry and grieve a bit, we decided to go out for a birthday dinner.  We had wonderful steak at Outback.  We got our drinks and toasted Elliott.  I will miss him.  I'm sure there will be more dogs in my future, but right now, we are still missing Elliott.

Life does move on.

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