Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Phillipians 4:6-7

Philippian 4: 6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
This is "my bible verse" It has gotten me through some things! It was my mantra when I was pregnant with Kathryn.
I have a "personal blog" saved in the cloud that only God and I read. I write to God there. I write my prayers. Sometimes I rant and rave a little bit. It really is just a long word document. I started in October 5, 2009 when I was worried about the direction my church was going. Around August 2010, I started out each entry by copying and pasting my bible verse. It is supposed to remind me to stop worrying. It reminds me to give my worries to God. I pray/write about my kids, my husband, and today I wrote a prayer about someone I hardly know who may have to have heart surgery soon. I try to remember to thank God when He answers my prayers. I know that he always answers them, but sometimes I don't see the answer as readily as other times.
One of the answer in the last few years that I have seen -- my new church. Yes it was painful to watch my old church make such a radical change, but God brought me to an interim church and then to a wonderful new church home.
There are many answers to my prayers about my kids. Being a mom increases one's prayer life -- and having them move into adulthood just brings more prayers.
When I don't see the answer, I try to leave it with God and assume he is answering "that isn't the best for you" or "not now".
I pray for some friends that aren't Christian. I can't explain my faith. Some people are much better at that than I am. I once had a person ask how I could be such a logical thinker and believe in Christ at the same time. I don't think a person has a list of things we have to get done here on earth to make it to heaven -- well we have the 10 Commandments but those are broken daily by all of us. I truly believe that the only thing that saves us is Christ's grace. Do I think he had to die to save us -- not necessarily, he could have saved us any way God wanted, but that is how he saved us. I hate it when someone say "the bible clearly says "x"..." to me; because frequently the bible also clearly says "y" (I tutor Algebra alot -- hence the x and y) You can't "bible beat" anyone into believing.
So I just keep praying for my friends who don't believe and I sort of think that God's Grace is going to save them too. I know that God's Grace is much bigger than I could ever imagine.

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