Saturday, November 7, 2009

Melancholy and Decorating

I have bunco this week. So today I was out running errands to get ready for bunco, fill the little communion cups for tomorrow, and grocery shop. One of my stops was Walgreens. Walgreens is at the same location that used to be a Burrus Grocery Store. I hardly ever shopped there. However, as I pulled into the parking lot of Walgreens, I remembered going to Burrus one time with Kevin who was probably around 5. He had left Bunny Honey in the car and when we came out, Bunny Honey was sitting on the dashboard. Either he came alive while we were in there or Mark drove by and did it. We'll never know because Mark never confessed, and I'm sure he has forgotten by now. Anyway, the remembrance didn't so much make me sad as it made me go -- where did the years go? My little boy is now a man in graduate school!

On decorating, I always think others are judging me on my lack of making my house a showcase. It is a home, but it is frequently messy, pet hair everywhere, and I don't really like cleaning it. Does this make me a bad mother -- sometimes it feels like it does. I want to shout to those that are judging me (who probably aren't really) hey, I homeschooled my kids, I went back to work to help pay for college -- cut me some slack. In reality, it is me who needs to cut me some slack! But please, someone, explain to me why part of my living room decor has to be ugly green boxes of ammo!