We left last Tuesday, Aug 11 with three cars and four people driving to Tulsa OK. We stayed at my parents lovely home that evening. The next morning, we took 2 cars and 4 people to Stillwater. We came back with 1 car and 3 people. Kat moved into her dorm at OSU to begin her college life! I didn't cry until we were leaving -- but a Sonic diet cherry limeade helped. We drove back to Tulsa to spend the night.
On Thursday, 2 cars and 3 people left Tulsa very early to drive to Oxford OH. We made it in about 12 - 13 hours and I drove one of the cars the entire way. It was somewhat fun and I had never driven through that part of the country. We saw the St. Louis arch and a HUGE cross near Effingham IL. After driving through Indianapolis Indiana and a little further, we left the interstate to drive through what appeared to be a cornfield maze of about 30 -50 miles. We went through 2 small towns and then saw a small sign welcoming us to Ohio. A few miles down the road, we came to Oxford. It is quite pretty but very small. I left Kevin my GPS (named Parker) because he will definitely need it to get around the maze of corn. He will eventually need to leave Oxford for something as it doesn't have much. It does have Walmart, Starbucks, Quizno's and Miami Univ.
Friday was spent at Walmart getting some stuff for him. A card table with 4 chairs, bookcase, media case, tv stand, kitchen stuff and moving into his apartment near campus. We left him there late in the afternoon so we could get a head start on the trip back. I got teary again when I got to the car, but Oxford doesn't have a Sonic for diet cherry limeade emergencies!!!
We drove back to the interstate slightly differently because one of the roads was under construction -- but it was still through cornfields. We stopped for the night in Effingham IL and drove back to Tulsa on Saturday.
Sunday, we drove to Stillwater to see Kathryn again and then back to Grapevine.
Monday, I left for work and Mark left to drive to Louisiana. Somewhere in East Texas, a semi hit him and sent him into a tailspin doing two 360's before hitting the concrete embankment. The car is probably totalled -- but my husband is ok! He even rented a car and went on to Louisiana!
Now I'm settling into being an empty nester -- it's ok most of the time and not ok a little of the time.
I'll post pics of the whole shebang (minus Mark's crash) on my facebook page.
What the church can learn from David Bowie
9 years ago