Sunday, September 28, 2008


Hey Guys -- Right now I am following a few of my friends and relatives on Twitter. Lately only my kids are updating. I love hearing from my kids, but I would love to hear from you too.

Please join twitter -- it's free and you can choose to have your updates read only by friends if you wish.

My wonderful nurse SIL has twitter -- but updates very seldom. My other SIL should twitter because she doesn't have time to blog. You can twitter from your phone if you want and you only have 140 characters to say what you need to say. For instance if you had been at the Flower Mound game, you could have tweeted "weird -- a banana just chased a gorilla across the field".

I have a sister that I follow; she has a twitter account, but never updates. I'm getting lonely out here in twitter land!

Just click on "follow me on twitter" at the right and start tweeting.

Surgery etc

It was an interesting week last week. First at BSF, I ran into a friend who I hadn't spoken to in almost 10 years. We were very good friends and our sons were friends; then something happened, we disagreed, and never spoke to each other again! It wasn't too hard, her family changed scout troops and I started homeschooling around the same time so we never ran into each other. However, periodically, I would think about her and think that it was one of the things in my past that I regretted -- I regretted that our friendship had ended so badly. Occassionally during the last seven years at Bible Study something in the lecture would remind me of it and I would pray that she was ok and that God could help me get past it. Well God does work in His own way and who do you think started going to BSF this year! So I talked to her and we hugged and put the past behind us!

That was on Monday. On Thursday, Mark mentioned that his stomach hurt. Then while he was driving home from work he said that his stomach hurt real bad and he was going to the doctor. I went to work and he came home and said that the nurse practitioner that he saw ruled out apppendicitis but he would go have a test on Monday for something else. I texted his sister who is a wonderful sister and (more importantly at the time) a nurse. She went over and realized that he probably should go to the ER. I met them there later where the doctor looked at him, poked a litte, and told us that he needed his appendix removed. So he went in for surgery around 10:30 and now is appendix-less. Friday he stayed at the hospital until his doctor told him that he could leave. Fortunately they were able to do it with laparoscopy (sp) so Mark is well on to the road of recovery.

Yesterday I rode with Mark to West so that he could go to a Boy Scout meeting. I didn't think he should drive but he insisted so I was just there. West isn't the most exciting town to spend three hours in -- but they do have good kolaches.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Que Sera Sera

A week or so ago I read a great chick-lit book called "The Think About Jane Spring" by Sharon Krum. Jane was a tough no-nonsense attorney, but she seldom got a second date. She really wanted romance and love, but couldn't seem to get it. In a funk one weekend, she watched a Doris Day marathon on tv and realized that Doris always got the guy. Well, the next day, Jane becomes Doris Day including trading her fullsize bed in for a twin bed. It's a good, funny, cheerful book.

A few weeks ago, my daughter kept telling me that she wanted to get rid of her twin over full bunk beds and replace it with a twin bed so that she would have more space in her room. Last weekend we bought the bed, sold the old one on Craigslist and she now has a twin bed. I don't think she did it for the same reason as Jane Spring but the timing is humorous and I keep humming Que Sera Sera.

Here's pics of the old

And the new:

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Oh Poo! and another thing

We have four pets -- two cats and two dogs. We have a cat because many years ago dd wanted one and someone who worked with dh needed to get rid of theirs. A few years later, another cat wondered into our garage and our lives. We have a dog because ds and dh wanted one when dd was born...the dog came a few years later. Now we have two big dogs. So the cats aren't technically mine and only one of the dogs is mine.

Why am I the only one living here who can clean out a kitty litter box and pick up poop in the yard?

The other thing -- totally another subject.
In tutoring math, I am amazed at the number of times that a student says to me, we don't use a book. This is frequently right after I say, "let me see your book". I am usually saying this because I am a little lost and math books frequently have good examples right before the exercises. If I can see an example, I can usually understand it -- and then I get it! Fortunately, I have many math reference books. But why don't they use math books anymore??? The kids usually offer me their notes -- but would they really need tutoring if they took good notes?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Another Saturday afternoon

Nothing new and fancy in my world. My son, however, has had his first column published in the school newspaper. You can see it at Just search his name. I think he will have one weekly. Already someone has commented to call him an idiot. You just aren't a good columnist until someone calls you an idiot.

My dh's car got broken into in San Antonio while he was there on business. Stupid crooks took the broken GPS and left the new one. Also left the pistol that was in the glovebox next to the broken GPS. Also left a few drops of blood from cutting themselves on the glass. (Please no comments on the gun -- dh is licensed to carry and all that).

DD is back at school taking 9 hours this semester. I think she is off to a good start and she has made her decision as to where to go next year. Oklahoma State won that contest. I knew it would! (I know I already blogged about this... however, we have now given OSU money for a dorm). She is also making me a cool shawl for Christmas in OSU orange -- so next year when I go to visit, I'll be styling!

I'm back at work usually working about 10-12 hours a week. If anyone knows of a cool job that I could work at for 20-25 hours a week, let me know. I just need to leave by 3:00 to get to my other job.