The title is a takeoff of my son's recent blog entry -- "My Hair is Long".
A couple days ago, I went to get my haircut and told the stylist that I needed a change. I am having a birthday soon and will be eligible to wear a Red Hat! I told her I needed something more fun -- so now it is short and sassy. I really like it although I can't make it look quite as cute as she did. I probably have 1/4 the hair my son does now.
After the haircut, I went to church to help with the Feed the Kids program. We went to the site where we hand out lunches and the supervisor told me that the "reading ladies" would be there that day. The main reading lady is a retired librarian who wanted to give these kids book so she visits each site once a week, reads to the kids, and gives out books. Pretty cool. Well, she needed to leave and left another lady there -- her pastor's wife.
I looked over to where the reading and book giving was taking place and mentioned that she looked very familiar. No one else knew her though including my daughter. After awhile, she came up to introduce herself and she was someone I graduated from high school with! Small world!
I'm excited about working tonight. Today, one of my favorite students is coming back for tutoring. I'm not happy for her that she needs some help -- but I'll be glad to see her again. After that, I think I'll be going to Babe's Chicken for dinner -- so I shouldn't eat much for lunch.
And that's that!
What the church can learn from David Bowie
9 years ago